Friday, 30 March 2018

Success: From Empirical to Methodological Part I and II


Venezuela Campeona Juvenil Centroamericana y del Caribe 2018

Extendemos nuestro Reconocimiento y Felicitaciones a la selección Nacional Juvenil de karate por haberse titulado campeona de Centroamérica y del Caribe revalidando su título obtenido en 2017 en la edición realizada en Venezuela.
Nuestros guerreros cumplieron y se llevan el Campeonato Juvenil Con 22 medallas de oro, 11 medallas de plata, y 19 de bronces para un total de 52 preseas seguidos de México con 10 medallas de oro, 14 de plata y 26 de bronce, el tercer lugar lo ocupó el país anfitrión Colombia con 5 medallas de oro, 14 de plata y 23 de bronce, República Dominicana finaliza en la 4ta posición con 4 medallas de oro, 3 de plata y 4 de bronce.
Reconocimineto al Cuerpo Tecnico desde el Sensei Alejandro Castro, coach, entrenadores naturales, la Federacion Venezolana de KAarate-Do y la WSKF VENEZUELA.
Desde nuestro Dojo y muy particularmente mi persona Felicito el trabajo desempenado por nuestra atleta WSKF-Venezuela María Zambrano @mariazambrano64 por haber logrado la medalla de Plata en la categoria.12-13 años Kumite -47 Kg.
Un trabajo arduo que solo con constancia, dedicacion y disciplina se puede lograr. A toda la Fmailia Zambrano Noguera un extensivo reconocimiento pues sabemos que ha sido un trabajo en Equipo desde Carlos y Agusto. Que sigan sus exitos.
Arriba Venezuela!!!!🇻🇪🏆

Monday, 26 March 2018


Sorcha and Myself are so proud to launch our new additional Club Branch WSKF SEDAI. We are a club which promotes Karate-Do, Self Defence, Fitness Instruction and Budo Ethic. We run Community Projects, Inclusive, Children, Youth, Adults and older Adults.

We have as focus that our members learn in a very safe environment. We are fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of our members through the “Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport” as set out by the Irish Sports Council.  The aim of this code is to promote best practice by everyone involved in the traditional and sport of Karate and to provide a safe, healthy, enjoyable environment for all members.

Our members have access to some of the best National and International coaches and training seminars providing support and advice on the continuing development of Karate.  For students who qualify, access is also available to high level competition both nationally and internationally with additional WSKF Ireland, European Karate Federation (EKF) and World Karate Federation (WKF) levels.
WSKF SEDAI Membership
Being a member of WSKF SEDAI entitles an individual as follows:
*         Train in karate with the club.
*         Opportunity for club members to compete at National level tournaments
*         Access to coaching, refereeing clinics and national and international
*         Students of WSKF can be invited to train with the National Squad which offers a chance of selection for the WSKF Irish Team to compete for Ireland at various International competitions

WSKF Ireland Affiliation
Quality instruction at WSKF Ireland Clubs are affirmed by its membership with WSKF International and Karate Ireland/ONAKAI (Ireland’s Karate Governing Body) officially sanctioned and recognised by The Irish Sports Council.  WSKF Ireland SEDAI strive to meet and maintain technical standards as set out by the Association.  Additionally, all karate instructors must have a recognized teaching lineage.  WSKF Ireland have Technical Advisory Committees that focus on maintaining excellence in the technical standards of affiliated clubs.

WSKF Japan
A strong and large international organisation having its headquarters in Tokyo has affiliated members in over 62 countries worldwide.

One of WSKF’s founding members and former WSKF President Sensei Takeaki Kamiyanagi, studied under the direct instruction of the founder of Shotokan and modern karate – Gichin Funakoshi. 

WSKF International is a non-profit organisation composed of members and directed by a worldwide international panel of instructors.  This organization’s function includes the establishment of policy and the regulation of technical excellence for all of its associated dojos.

WSKF members are made up of people from all walks of life. WSKF dispatch officials and judges for all levels of Karate competition. They organize and run qualification courses for all levels of officials and judges.  They design and organize instruction training programs with emphasis not only on technical excellence but also development of character.  WSKF carry out these programmes not only in Japan but Worldwide. 

We conduct the following classes:
·         General Class to beginner and advance.
·         Disability Inclusion.
·         Afterschool classes.
·         One to One.
·         Boot-Camps. 
·         Workshops.
·         Transition Year.

We provide:
·         Highly Qualified. 
·         Experienced Instructors.
·         Traditional Competition and Sport Karate.
·         National and International Title.
·         Garda Vetted.

Congratulations on becoming a member and student of WSKF SEDAI.  As a new student, you may have joined WSKF – SEDAI for a myriad of reasons – self-defense, weight loss, fitness, strength training, self-motivation, friendship, or just something to do. WSKF SEDAI strives to help people reach high, yet attainable goals and develop themselves as a whole person.  Whatever your reasons, by selecting WSKF SEDAI karate club you have made the right decision.

Karate is much more than physical training. It is a complete discipline involving the mind as well as the body. The most important purpose of karate is to develop balance between the mind, body and spirit. This will enable us to express our true nature and become better human beings.

We follow on our passion and wish to extend our knowledge to everyone. We continue promoting in Venezuela via “Dojo Francisco Astudillo” the best Karate and currently we set up SEDAI in Ireland. These makes us feel confidence in our work, our aim, to know that we are in the right way.

Everyone so welcome.

For further Information/Booking Contact:
Sorcha Mc Corry 
Mobil: 086 1569828
Francisco Astudillo.
Mobil: 0899884213

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Aproaches How to train the Kata and Change of Direction Speed Movement in Kata By Sensei Georgi Georgiev Jossy


We are so proud on present the follow Thesis from Sensei Georgi Georgiev Jossi Chief Instructor WSKF Bulgaria and Sport Master Degree.
We hope this work catch you attention in how improve your performance as a Karate-Ka and able to share with your students.

Feel free to contact Sensei Jossi at the link below
