Dear senseis, sponsors, students, and friends of the WSKF USA Foundation,
We enclose the third 2018 edition of Budo Tips, which circulates among our instructors, students, esteemed sponsors and friends in the US and the world. Each section points at a specific audience, as our polls determined some time ago: Budo aims primarily at the parents of our athletes, and focuses on Karate-do as a way of life, and as a means to educate better citizens; Technique aims at the athlete; Management targets the instructor; and FYI informs our sponsors about our news and events.
This Vol.II - No.3 covers the following topics:
II. Budo: "The value of principles"
III. Technique: "What separates the champions from the rest of us?"
IV. Management: "The 3-Ps: Processes, protocols and people to execute them"
V. F.Y.I.:
The II WSKF Pan American Championship
The Canadian Open
KRANE’s Summer Triple Crown
Upcoming events:
WSKF World Cup: Dublin, Ireland
WKF 2018 Calendar: Premier League, World and Continental Championships
New WSKF Dojo: Pinecrest, Fla.
If you do not want to receive these, you can opt out by replying accordingly.
The Board of Trustees
WSKF USA Foundation
Our best regards.
The Board of Trustees
WSKF USA Foundation